Did You Know?

Student Attendance Monitoring Process

Managing student attendance is a crucial aspect of educational administration. It ensures that students are present and engaged, which is essential for their academic success. An effective attendance management system helps to monitor student presence, identify patterns of absenteeism, and implement timely interventions. This process involves recording, tracking, and analysing attendance data, and can range from traditional manual methods to advanced automated systems. The goal is to maintain accurate records that support student accountability and enhance overall educational outcomes.

The Student Attendance Management Process at ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. is designed to ensure systematic tracking and monitoring of student attendance to promote academic success and personal development.

By implementing the comprehensive attendance management process, ALLEN aims to create a supportive learning environment where students are motivated to attend classes regularly and achieve their academic goals.



2.    The Role of Counselors

Counselors play a crucial role in supporting students’ attendance and addressing related issues. They meticulously monitor attendance records to detect patterns of chronic absenteeism or irregular attendance, enabling early intervention. Additionally, counselors collaborate with administrators, students, and parents to develop effective strategies, leveraging diverse perspectives to address underlying causes of absenteeism.

Following administration directives, counselors reach out to students and parents promptly to understand factors contributing to absenteeism, enabling proactive intervention.

It is important to note that the specific role of a counselor in addressing attendance may vary depending on the situation or necessity. However, their overall goal is to support students in achieving regular attendance and academic success.


Student Attendance Management System for Counsellors

The Student Attendance Management System provides a comprehensive solution designed to efficiently manage student attendance and related tasks. This software encompasses a variety of processes and options, each serving a specific purpose. However, for counselors, only two tabs are essential:

  • File
  • Student Search

These tabs are particularly useful for counselors as they facilitate easy access to necessary tools and functionalities for managing student attendance effectively.

Here’s the visual representation of the Student Attendance Management System showcases the various processes and options available within the panel.


2.1 File

The File menu provides three options:                                                                         

2.1.1   Change Password: This option enables the counselor to update their password for added security and personalization within the system.

2.1.2  Change Session: This feature allows the counselor to switch between academic sessions to access student attendance records for different periods. For instance, if a student has enrolled at ALLEN for multiple academic years, the counselor can select the relevant session to view attendance data for that specific period. This functionality aids counselors in effectively monitoring    attendance across various academic sessions

2.1.3 Logout: This option permits the counselor to securely exit the system, ensuring the confidentiality of student data and maintaining privacy.

2.2 Student Search

Upon clicking on the Student Search tab, you can obtain comprehensive details about a particular student by entering various search criteria. These criteria include form number, name, father’s name, city, state, date of birth, mobile numbers, gender, attendance card details, stream name, course code, batch, registration number, medium, and study code. This allows for precise retrieval of information regarding specific students based on different identifiers and attributes.

The details provided include:


  1. Photo:This section displays the student’s photograph taken during the admission process.
  2. Face Biometric Image: This section displays the student’s photograph captured during face registration.
  3. Face Registration: This feature specifies the building where the student’s photo template was captured and stored for face registration.

          A.   Campus Code: Represents the code of the campus where the photo was captured, and its template is stored.

          B.   Campus Name: Represents the name of the campus where the photo was captured, and its template is stored.

It’s essential for those involved in attendance monitoring to ensure that the assigned class location matches the building where the photo was captured or stored. Attendance will only be marked if this match occurs; otherwise, the student will be considered absent. It is necessary to address and resolve any discrepancies faced by students.


4. Total Punch:This section provides a detailed summary of every instance where a student has scanned his face for attendance. It records the date, time, and location (building) of each scan. This data enables precise monitoring of student attendance across different classes or activities.

5. Total Messages: This section is responsible for managing situations where a student is absent from class without notification or forgets to scan their face for attendance. In such cases, the system generates SMS notifications, which are sent to the registered mobile numbers of the student’s parents. These messages are transmitted in both Hindi and English to ensure effective communication.

6. Total Direct Meetings: This section documents instances where students and parents visit the attendance monitoring cell to address issues related to face scanning, leaves, or attendance in general. This section records the total number of direct meetings, along with the form number and remarks based on discussions held during these face-to-face interactions. It serves as a log of the interactions between students, parents, and the attendance monitoring cell regarding attendance-related matters.

7. Total Mid Leave: In situations where a student needs to leave the class before its completion, scanning the face at the exit gate is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in restricted departure from the ALLEN premises. Additionally, the system automatically sends SMS notifications to the parents’ registered mobile numbers, informing them about the student’s mid-leave.

The Total Mid Leave section provides an overview of all mid-leave instances. It includes details such as the total number of mid-leave instances, form number, batch, registration number, leave date, leave time, leave reason, and the name of the authorized person. This functionality also tracks the total number of mid-leave instances for each student.

8. Total Students: This section shows the total number of students matching the specified search criteria along with their respective details.

9. Reset: This feature allows users to quickly clear search fields, enabling them to conduct another search for a different student.

10. Attendance: Clicking this button grants the user access to a detailed attendance sheet for a specific student. In the monthly attendance sheet for the session 2024-25, the initial 7 days are considered a trial period. During this time, whether the student is present or absent, the attendance will be marked with an initial of “T” in the attendance sheet. After this trial period, the actual attendance status (present, absent, holiday, no class, leave) is recorded, along with the total number of classes attended. Additionally, it displays the month-wise percentage of classes attended, providing a comprehensive overview of the student’s attendance history.


11. Online Status:This feature provides the user with the ability to monitor the real-time status of a student’s leave application, submitted via the ALLEN digital website/mobile app. The sheet offers comprehensive information, including the student’s form number, parents’ names, type of leave, status, leave process status, duration of leave, Samvad status update date and time stamps, status username, entry date & time, and remarks. Additionally, there is an option to export the sheet for further reference or analysis.


12. Exit: This option is used to exit the Student Attendance Management System.


  • Except Rajasthan centers, Attendance card will be distributed to the students.
  • Attendance cards will be provided for identical twins, while other students will undergo the Face registration process.
  • Some features in this system may be disabled or not accessible to counselors as they are not part of their responsibilities.


3. The Role of Admins


The admins hold the responsibility of monitoring and managing student attendance in the institution, facilitated by an attendance management tool. They ensure students attend classes regularly and take appropriate action when attendance issues arise. Additionally, they implement diverse strategies to enhance attendance rates and tackle chronic absenteeism.

Furthermore, if there is a need, they connect students and parents with relevant resources and services, such as social workers or mental health professionals, to address attendance issues effectively.

a. Monitoring and Record-keeping:

Admin is responsible for monitoring student attendance and maintaining accurate records, including attendance data recording, report generation, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements regarding record-keeping.

Maintaining comprehensive and detailed attendance reports for each student using the Attendance Management System Software is a critical aspect of admin responsibilities. These reports should encompass absent messages, scan details, mid-leave messages, attendance monitoring cell meetings, and leave application status. The accuracy and comprehensiveness of these reports are pivotal for our record-keeping and analytical processes.

b. Investigation of Absences:

Admin investigates student absences to determine the reasons behind them. This process may involve contacting parents or guardians to gather information and ensure compliance with attendance policies.

c. Addressing Chronic Absenteeism:

In cases of chronic absenteeism or truancy, admin appropriately addresses the issue by working with students, parents, and school staff to develop intervention plans, referring cases to attendance panels if necessary, or collaborating with external agencies to provide support and resources.

d. Enforcement of Attendance Policies:

Admin ensures compliance with attendance policies and regulations by implementing strategies to reduce absenteeism, including promoting regular attendance and addressing attendance barriers.

e. Attendance Report Preparation:

Admin prepares and provides attendance reports to faculties and other relevant personnel, which may include information about individual student attendance and its patterns as needed.

 f. Addressing Concerns Promptly:

Addressing attendance-related concerns raised by parents and students promptly is integral to the admin’s role, often involving collaboration with attendance monitoring cells in specified buildings for further intervention:

  • Sankalp
  • Sangyan
  • Supath
  • Satyarth
  • Saakar
  • Srajit-2

g. Mid Leave Protocol:

Ensuring that students do not leave the class in mid without appropriately scanning their barcodes and photo ID (Face Recognition) is a critical responsibility. In the event of an unauthorized mid leave, it is essential to notify parents via SMS messages and meticulously record the details in the provided panel.

h. Continuous Absence Notification:

For students who are continuously absent for three days without prior notification, it is the admin’s responsibility to take proactive action by assigning outbound robocalls to the concerned team, commencing from the first day and continuing for the next two days. Following the third day of continuous absence, both robocalls and manual calls should be made to parents to confirm the student’s status. Using the C-Zentrix software, the objective is to inform parents about their child’s prolonged absence. It is crucial to document all conversations for subsequent reference and follow-up.

Students who have newly enrolled at ALLEN will receive robocalls even if they have taken a 1-day leave.

i. SMS Notifications:

Sending SMS notifications the next day in both Hindi and English to parents of absent students is a routine practice. These notifications serve to inform parents in cases where students are absent without prior intimation, forget to scan their faces, or encounter difficulties scanning for any reason.

Note: For the PNCF and Commerce streams, In-Out punch SMS messages are sent on the same day to parents to inform them about their child’s current status. This practice does not apply to other streams.

j. Regular Monitoring of Attendance System:

Regular and vigilant monitoring of the Attendance Monitoring System is essential to ensure its accuracy and functionality. It is essential to acknowledge that parents access their children’s attendance information through the student zone of the system. Immediate action should be taken in cases where issues or discrepancies are identified.

k. Monitoring Study Drop Requests:

If a student has applied to drop studies and has been absent from the institute since then, calls must persist under the guidance of admin until we receive confirmation from parents regarding the student’s study drop.

4.  Student Attendance Management System for Admins

The Student Attendance Management System provides a comprehensive solution designed to efficiently manage student attendance and related tasks. This software encompasses a variety of processes and options, each serving a specific purpose.

  • File
  • Student Search
  • Dashboard
  • Master Data Interface
  • Attendance Process
  • Student Punches
  • Student SMS
  • Absent/Present Report
  • Miscellaneous Report
  • ESSL Machine Status
  • Attendance Monitoring

Let’s understand the various processes and options available within the panel:

4.1. File & Users Log details:

Primarily, Counsellors are responsible for tasks related to File and Student Search. Detailed explanations for these tabs and the tasks associated with them are provided within that section. Administrators can access these tabs to gather information if needed.

4.2. Student Search


  • Users Log details:

Currently, we can check Kota based attendance system users details.

4.3. Dashboard

Navigate to the Dashboard tab and choose “Last Sent Auto SMS Dashboard” from the drop-down menu. This dashboard presents details about the most recent automated SMS sent to parents from all ALLEN centers, including the center’s name, date, and transmission timestamp. This information ensures that attendance recording machines in all centers effectively capture attendance.


4.4. Master Data Interface

The Master Data Interface tab functions as a platform for modifying various components, such as class schedules, batch times, leaves, course commencement and end dates, and other relevant information. Upon selecting this option, a drop-down list will appear, offering several choices for updating and maintaining different datasets. Among the available options are:

  • Update Course
  • Update Batch Schedule
  • Update Batch Close
  • Update Holiday All
  • Update Holiday Course Wise
  • Update Student Mobile No
  • Update Student Local Address
  • Update Absent Call Feedback
  • Update Campus Code


  • Update Course: This option is used to modify details related to a course, especially its commencement and end dates for a new phase. To begin a course update, select the “Update Course” option. Afterward, a variety of options will appear, including Center Name, Stream Name, Course Code, Course Name, Start Date, End Date, Course Title, and Status. Fill in these fields with the required information and then click the update button to save the changes. This process ensures that all courses receive consistent updates. The revised course details are then displayed in a list format, showcasing elements such as course name, course code, center code, stream, start date, end date, course type, and more.

 By default, the end date for all courses is set as March 31st. In cases where a course concludes before this default date, the academic team provides the relevant information, an subsequently, the IT team is authorized to make the necessary adjustments and update the course end date accordingly.

  • Update Batch Schedule: This option allows you to modify the schedule for a group of batches. You can specifically adjust the start and end dates for each batch. Begin by selecting the “Update Batch Schedule” option. Subsequently, you will encounter fields such as Center Name, Stream Name, and Course Code. Upon entering the course code, a list of batches associated with that code will appear. Batches with different schedules are displayed on the right side, while those with the same schedule are shown on the left side.

Next, you can select the start and end dates for the batches. The schedule is organized from Monday to Saturday on the left side, with Sunday listed as a day off on the right side. Once the changes have been made, save them. The updated information will then be presented in a list format.



By default, the end date for all batches is set as March 31st. However, in cases where a batch concludes before this default date, the academic team provides the necessary information. This empowers the IT team to make the required modifications and update the batch end date accordingly.

  • Update Batch Close: The responsibility for managing the task related to the “Update Batch Close” option lies with the Building Management team. Further details regarding the process related to this tab are explained in the Building Management section.
  • Update Holiday All:  This option is used to assign a holiday, including national or festival holidays, for a specific center. This holiday will apply to all students associated with that center. Upon selecting this option, a form will appear with fields such as center name, holiday reason, and holiday date. Fill in these fields with the relevant information and save it. The holiday information, including details such as the holiday reason, holiday date, center code, and holiday status (active or canceled), will be presented in a list view.


  • Update Holiday Course Wise: To declare a holiday for a specific course, the administrator can do so by selecting the “Update Holiday Course Wise” option. This action will prompt a form to appear, featuring fields such as center name, stream name, course code, start date, end date, and holiday reason. Fill in these details and save the information using the save option to officially announce the holiday. If any changes are made to existing data, clicking the update button will ensure the data is updated.

         The list view will present information such as the holiday’s status (active or cancelled), center code, course, remarks, and close date.


  • Update Student Local Address: This option enables the modification of a student’s local address. When students enrolled at ALLEN, they provide their local address information in the initial form. If a student wishes to change this address in the future, the attendance team can make the change after confirming with the parents.

To update a student’s local address, select the “Update Student Local Address” option. The form will display pre-filled details such as Form Number, Name, Father Name, Batch, Stream, Course Centre Name, Permanent Address, Mobile Number 1, 2, and Student Mobile Number. Additionally, specific details of the local address, including hostel/building name, house number, area name, landmark, status, and remarks, will be presented. If the address has been previously updated and requires further modification, it can be edited and updated accordingly.

  • Update Absent Call Feedback: It is used to generate a comprehensive feedback report that includes calls made to inform parents about students with continuous absenteeism lasting three days or more. This report provides a detailed account of the conversations between the student’s parents and the agent.

By selecting the “Update Absent Call Feedback” option, you can primarily upload the feedback report in CSE format, which is a built-in structure. Additionally, various functions such as file access path, process, excel, exit, and download format are available. These functions enable browsing, processing, converting to Excel, closing, and downloading the updated feedback report.

  • Update Campus Code: This option enables you to update a student’s campus code if his face recognition occurs in a building different from where his class is scheduled to take place. This typically happens when the location of the classes has been changed for any reason. By using this option, you can ensure that the student’s attendance is accurately recorded, even if the building for his class has been changed.

4.5.  Attendance Process

The attendance process involves collecting daily attendance data for students. This includes verifying if students are attending classes regularly, ensuring the proper functioning of scanning machines, and monitoring whether students are correctly scanning their faces. In cases where a student’s attendance is not recorded despite correctly using the scanning machine, it may be due to a network failure. In such cases, an option is available to search for the missing attendance data.

The attendance process includes several options that facilitate the completion of the attendance process. These options are:

  • Transfer Attendance Data of Individual Students
  • Shift Wise Attendance Process
  • Process Unprocessed Punches
  • Daily Attendance Process Stream Wise
  • Daily Attendance Process Course Name Wise
  • Student Leave Entry


  • Transfer Attendance Data of Individual Students: In a scenario where attendance for all students in a classroom building is displayed, except for one student who regularly scans his face, you can use the “Transfer Attendance Data of Individual Students” option to address this issue. This situation may occur if the network was not functioning properly at the time of the student’s face scanning. Even if the scanning machine indicates that the face was scanned and marked as “OK,” the attendance data might not have been transferred due to a network lapse during the attendance data processing.

To retrieve the attendance data for the specific student, follow this process:

  1. Click on the “Transfer Attendance Data of Individual Students” option. This will display a form containing fields such as the student’s form number, start date, and end date.
  2. Enter the form number of the student for whom the missing data needs to be retrieved, along with the corresponding date range.
  3. After filling in the form number and selecting the desired date range, click on the “Process” button to initiate the conversion of the student’s attendance data from the face reader database to the attendance database file.

    4.  Shift Wise Attendance Process: The shift-wise attendance process is used in situations where there are issues with downloading the attendance data for either the morning or evening shift of a particular batch. These issues may arise due to missed downloads or network downtimes during the shift.

Here is how the process works:

  • Clicking on the “Shift-Wise Attendance Process” option displays a set of additional options, including the center code, stream name, course name, shift, start date, and end date.
  • After providing the necessary information in these options, clicking the “Process” button initiates the download or transfer of attendance data. This action enables you to retrieve and manage the attendance data for the specific shift, whether it’s the morning or evening shift.
  • This process ensures that the attendance data for the affected shift is properly downloaded or transferred from the Attendance Face Reader Database to the Attendance Database. For a visual representation of this process.


  • Process Unprocessed Punches: This function is employed when the attendance data of students in a specific stream’s course (phase/batch) fails to appear even after their faces have been scanned. This issue may occur if there was a network interruption while the student was punching their face.

This option facilitates the transfer or conversion of the previous day’s attendance data from the Face Reader Database to the Attendance Database, enabling the retrieval of the missing data. It specifically addresses data that is one day old.

Here’s how the process works:

  • Click on the “Process Unprocessed Punches” option. This action prompts a window to appear with search fields, including the center name, stream name, course name, and process date.
  • Once all the fields are filled out, click the “Process” button to initiate the download and transfer of the previous day’s attendance data from the Attendance Face Reader Database to the Attendance Database. This process ensures that the missing attendance data from the previous day is retrieved and integrated into the Attendance Database.

  • Daily Attendance Process Stream Wise: We use this option when there are issues with downloading the attendance data of a student from a specific stream, such as missing data or problems during the download process.

Here is how the process works:

  • Click on the “Daily Attendance Process Stream Wise” option.
  • A list of different streams will be displayed. Select the stream for which you want to download the attendance data.
  • Initiate the process to convert/transfer the data from the face reader database to the attendance database.
  • Download the data for that stream.

By following these steps, you can successfully retrieve the attendance data for the specific stream.


  • Daily Attendance Process Course Name Wise:  We use this option when there are issues with downloading the attendance data of a student from a specific course, such as missing data or problems during the download process.

Follow these steps to download and transfer attendance data:

  • Click on the “Daily Attendance Process Course Name Wise” option.
  • A window will appear with search fields, including the center name, stream name, and course name.
  • Fill out all the options, then click “Process” to begin the attendance data download.
  • The system will retrieve attendance data for the specified course from the Attendance Face Reader Database.
  • The downloaded data will be transferred to the Attendance Database, ensuring any missing or incomplete data is updated.

By following these steps, you can ensure accurate downloading and transferring of attendance data for the specific course, resolving any issues with missing or incomplete data.

4.6. Student Punches

This tab provides admins with the ability to download detailed reports on students’ regular face scans. Face recognition machines are installed outside every classroom on every floor of each building. This feature also ensures the proper operation of all face-scanning devices. The report includes the total number of student scans for each building. The Attendance Records feature offers a range of reporting options, including:

  • Building Wise Punches
  • Download Punch Date Time Report
  • Stream Wise Punch Report
  • Unprocessed Punches Report

  • Building Wise Punches: This option allows for the download of detailed reports specifying the total number of scans recorded by face recognition machines on each floor of a particular building.

To download the Building Wise Punches report:

  • Select the “Building Wise Punches” option.
  • Input details such as center code, building name, and date as prompted.
  • Click on the search option to retrieve complete data.
  • Once the data is retrieved, click on the “Excel report” button.
  • This will convert the data into an Excel format.
  • You can then download the scanned data.
  • A list view will display comprehensive information including Total Student, Location, and Punch Date.

  • Download Punch Date Time Report:

This option allows users to retrieve a detailed report showing the total number of scans recorded for a specific student on a particular date.

To download the Punch Date Time Report:

  • Select the “Download Punch Date Time Report” option.
  • Provide the necessary details such as the Form Number and Punch Date.
  • The system will generate a detailed report showing the total number of scans recorded for that particular student on the specified date.

  • Stream Wise Punch Report:

This option enables users to download a detailed report displaying the total number of scans for a specific stream.

To download this report:

  • Click on the “Stream Wise Punch Report” option.
  • Input details such as the Center Name, Stream Name, and Date when prompted.
  • After entering these details, click on the Export button, and the report will be downloaded.


  • Unprocess Punches Report:

This option allows users to download reports for scans that have not been processed.

To download this report:

  • Select the “Unprocess Punches Report” option.
  • Input details such as Center Code, Stream Name, and Course Name.
  • Choose the desired format (e.g., Form No. Wise Search, Batch Wise Search, or Excel Export).
  • Download the report.

These functionalities enhance the system’s efficiency in monitoring and managing student attendance data.

4.7. Student SMS:

The Student SMS tab is designed to notify parents about their child’s absence in class by sending messages to their registered mobile numbers. Within this option, four distinct SMS functionalities are available, catering to different communication needs:

  • Absent SMS
  • Stop Absent SMS and Call
  • Send Continue Absent SMS
  • Manual Rawatbhata Absent Excel Upload

  • Absent SMS:

The Absent SMS option is used to view the reports of messages that have been sent to parents informing them about their child’s absence on the same day.

Here’s a step-by-step process to download the Absent SMS report:

  1. Select the Absent SMS option from the menu.
  2. Input details such as Center Name, Stream Name, Course Name, Batch Shift, and Date.
  3. Use the search option to retrieve the SMS data report.
  4. The report includes information such as status, form number, name, mobile number, absent date, center, course, and batch details (refer to Fig-25).
  5. Additional options are available:

      a. Select SMS: This option allows users to select specific SMS messages from the report for further actions, such as sending reminders or marking attendance.

      b. Send SMS: Users can use this option to send SMS messages directly to parents regarding their child’s absence or any other relevant information.

      c. Export: Clicking on this option enables users to download the entire SMS data report in a format, such as a spreadsheet or PDF, for further analysis or record-keeping.   

      d. Reset: If users want to start a new search or clear the current input details, they can use the Reset option to reset the form and begin afresh.

      e. Exit: Selecting this option allows users to exit or close the Absent SMS feature and return to the main menu or previous screen.

Follow these steps to efficiently download the Absent SMS report with the required information.

  • Stop Absent SMS and Call: 

The “Stop Absent SMS and Call” tab enables the discontinuation of absent calls and SMS notifications based on specific statuses, such as illness, self-study, or critical conditions. Prior confirmation from parents is necessary before halting SMS and calls.

This option consists of two options:

  • Stop SMS and Call Entry
  • Stop SMS and Call Report

  • Stop SMS and Call Entry:

Used to enter details of absent calls and SMS, including reasons, duration, and parental confirmation.

  • Stop SMS and Call Report:

This feature is used to access a comprehensive data report of stopped SMS and calls, providing details such as reason, duration, and confirmation status.


  • Send Continue Absent SMS:

The “Send Continue Absent SMS” option is used to send regular SMS to inform parents about their child’s consistent absence. Additionally, it enables users to view the report of sent messages as well as pending messages.

Process: Users input details such as Center Name, Stream Name, Course Name, Total Absent Days, and Test SMS. The search option retrieves SMS data, displaying status, batches, absent count, mobile numbers, etc.

Additional options include:

  1. Send SMS: This option facilitates the transmission of all required messages.
  2. Reset: The Reset option is used to clear and reset the data.
  3. Export: The Export button enables the downloading of comprehensive data.
  4. Exit: Concludes and exits the current process.
  5. Test SMS: The Test SMS option is used for evaluating the functionality of the SMS system.
  6. Select SMS: This option is employed to choose specific batches and messages, determining which messages are to be sent.
  7. Not Send SMS: It is used to identify messages that have not yet been sent.
  8. Send SMS SF: The Send SMS SF option allows for checking the data regarding the number of SMS sent from Salesforce (Telephony Tools).



4.8.  Absent/Present Report:

The Absent/Present Report option provides a comprehensive view of student attendance, showcasing the total present and absent records. This data can be analyzed batch-wise and stream-wise. Three types of reports are available within this option:

  • Update Absent Status &C-Zentrix Report
  • Student Absent Present Report
  • Streamwise Absent Present Report


  • Update Absent Status & C-Zentrix Repor

The Update Absent Status and C-Zentrix Report options allow users to view the total number of students in each batch, track daily absenteeism, and review absent calls received by agents  from C-Zentrix. This includes details such as the reason for absence, communication status with parents or students, and agent information.

Process: Users input Center Code, Stream Name, Course Name, State, Total Continue Absent Days, etc. The search option retrieves data, displaying the days of absence, the total number of students in the batch, and the count of absent students.

Additional options include:

  • Reset: The Reset option is employed to restore and refresh the data to its initial state.
  • Excel Report: The Excel Report option facilitates the download of complete absentee data into an Excel sheet.
  • Max Absent: The Maximum Absent option button is used to identify the maximum number of absent students, providing insights into the highest absentee count within specific batches.
  • SRG Report: The SRG Report option allows for the examination of absentee counts specifically for students in the SRG batch.
  • Select SMS: The Select SMS option is employed to choose specific batches for sending SMS.
  • Report: The Report option is utilized to access a comprehensive absentee count and absentee status data report.
  • Exit: The Exit button concludes and exits the current process.

  • Student Absent-Present Report

The Student Absent-Present Report option allows for filtered reports to view student absentee data in various ways. It includes multiple report types such as Absent List for Notice Board, Absent List with Contact Number, Batch-wise Absent, Batch-wise Present, Cumulative Percentage-Based Attendance Report, Form Number-wise Present Report, and Student Absent-Present Report.

Process: Users select the desired report type and input relevant details, such as Study Code, Stream, Course Name, From Date to Date, Total Absent – Number of Days, etc. The report button generates the absentee count report in the chosen format.


  • Stream Wise Absent Present Report:

The Stream Wise Absent Present Report option allows users to view the total absent and present report of students across all courses in a specific stream.

Process: Users input details such as Center Name, Stream Name, From Date To Date, etc. The search option retrieves the absent-present report for the specified stream.

4.9. Miscellaneous Report

The Miscellaneous Report feature allows access of various reports. This includes:

  • Multiple Student Report
  • Block Service Report
  • Batch Report
  • Check Online Services
  • Absent Report with Calling Remark

  • Multiple Student Report

The Multiple Student Report option enables the viewing of diverse data reports across multiple centers. The process involves selecting centers on the left side, specifying criteria such as Center Code, Stream Name, and Course Name, and choosing a report type from the drop-down menu. Set the date range (From Date to Date), then initiate the search to retrieve the desired data report.

  • Block Service Report:

The Block Service Report option allows users to review data related to services that have been halted for students, identifying the authoritative person, date of action, and reason. Users can also track unblocked services post-fulfillment of conditions. To access the report, input Center Name, From Date, and To Date, then employ the search function to generate the updated data report.

  • Batch Report:

Within the Batch Report option, the Batch Shifting subsection facilitates the examination of batch transitions. This includes changes in location, building shifts, and related details. Upon selecting Batch Shifting, users can choose from report types such as Batch Shifting Report, Batch Receive Report, Location Shift Report, or Export Report, leading to a comprehensive data report.

  • Check Online Services:

The Check Online Services option is employed to scrutinize data submitted by students through online platforms, such as Online Leave and Online Study Drop (Online DRP). Users can access detailed information regarding the reason for leave or study drop, along with the status report of the agent who confirmed with parents. By selecting the service type (online drop or online leave), users can view and update the data report accordingly.


Online DRP: Upon clicking on the Study Drop Online option, users can update the status by filling in details such as form number, name, and remark, and selecting from drop-down options. The data is then saved and updated.

Online Leave: Users can review the total leave status by selecting the Online Leave option and clicking Show. The leave status, including updates post-conversations with parents, can be modified by filling in the form number, name, remark, and status, followed by saving the changes.

4.10. ESSL Machine Status:

The ESSL machine status feature pertains to the RFID reader machines deployed by ESSL, a company, in each building across our centers, outside every classroom. These machines read the RFID cards (attendance cards) of students. The RFID reader machine status option allows us to check whether each machine is operational, powered off, or functioning correctly. It verifies whether the punch is visible when a student swipes their card on the RFID machine, enabling us to view a comprehensive report. This feature facilitates the examination of the RFID reader machine status for any center.

Process: Upon selecting the ESSL Machine Status option, a dropdown list of center names appears. To check the machine status of a specific center, click on its name. Subsequently, a dropdown list displaying all building names within that center appears. Choose the building name to check the machine’s status. Once selected, various options such as Center Code, Building Name, Stream Name, Course Name, Remark Category, Remark Type, Report Date, etc., become available. After filling in these details, the machine status report can be viewed using the search option.

4.11.  Attendance Monitoring:

The attendance monitoring option is utilized by personnel in the attendance monitoring cell. It enables tracking student details and interactions at the attendance monitoring cell across regions. The complete report includes information on the number of students visiting each monitoring cell and the nature of their interactions.

Process: Clicking on the attendance monitoring option initiates a form number input. After entering the student’s form number and clicking the search button, details such as name, father’s name, course, stream, batch, reason, remark, etc., are displayed. Additional information, such as comments, can be entered, and the data is saved using the save button by the monitoring cell personnel. These details are then accessible on the management system panel, as illustrated in Figure 45.



5. The Role of Building Management

Building management plays a pivotal role in the student management process, overseeing a range of administrative tasks with precision and care. Let’s delve into the enhanced overview of software panel functions and building management responsibilities:

  • Batch Close
  • Batch Shifting
  • Batch Receiving
  • Batch Location Transfer
  • An Issue in Face Recognition
  • Block Services


  • Batch Close:

Responsibility: Updating Batch Closure Status (Class Cancellation)

The responsibility of updating batch closure status, or class cancellation, falls under the purview of building management. Streamlining this process involves several strategic steps. Administrators access the interface and select the batch closure option. They then input details such as the center name, stream name, and course code.

An important aspect is the ability to specify the period of batch closure, reasons for cancellation, and consequential updates on the list view. This view displays essential information including active status, course code, batch name, reason, and closure date.


  • Click on “Batch Closure” to initiate the process, entering necessary details such as the Center name, Stream name, and course code.
  • Specify the details of the cancelled classes, including start and end dates, as well as reasons for closure.
  • Save the information and update it for display in the list view.

  • Batch Shifting

Responsibility: Exclusive authority to relocate batches between the buildings.

Empowered by their personalized panel, the building management executes batch relocation with precision, including batch timing adjustments. Within this specialized panel, a visual representation of available batches is presented. The seamless shifting process involves selecting the shifted batch, designating the new building location, and confirming the operation. Subsequently, the General Enquiry Section is updated with pertinent data.


  • Execute batch shifting via a dedicated personal panel.
  • Choose batches to be moved to a new location and finalize the shift.
  • Synchronized data reflects the updated building location and Batch Timing in the General Enquiry Section, ensuring accurate information for stakeholders.

  • Batch Receiving

Responsibility: Transferring batches between buildings with mutual consent of respective building management.

Transferring batches from one building to another requires coordinated efforts from both sending and receiving building authorities. Utilizing the batch-receiving option, administrators can complete the handover process seamlessly. After selecting the shifted batch and providing the necessary details such as building, location, and session, the updated data is synchronized in the General Enquiry Section.


  • Initiate batch receiving, select the shifted batch, and input building, location, and session details.
  • Save the information using the Batch Received Option for synchronization in the General Enquiry Section

  • Batch Location Transfer

Responsibility: Coordinated relocation of batches within the building floor.

Facilitating batch relocation within the building floor is a task orchestrated by the designated building management. Using the personalized panel for Basic Operations, administrators can efficiently transfer batches, updating the General Enquiry Section with accurate information.


  • Utilize the personalized panel for Basic Operations.
  • Select batches and specify the floor within the building where the relocation is desired.
  • Synchronized data in the General Enquiry Section reflects the new location.

  • An issue in Face Recognition

Responsibility: Direct the students to the admission desk under face recognition circumstances.

In the event of a face recognition issue, the building management takes responsibility by directing the student to the admission desk for assistance. The admission desk staff will provide the necessary support to resolve the student’s face recognition problem.


  • When a student encounters a face recognition issue with the machine, the building management informs the student to go to the admission desk.
  • The admission desk staff will assist the student in resolving the face recognition problem.


  • Block Services

Responsibility: Authorizing the blocking and unblocking of services for students.

In cases of misuse or failure to settle fees, the building management has the authority to block services. Using the Block Service Option, administrators initiate the process by entering essential details, subsequently reinstating services such as face recognition.

In effect, the software panel serves as a dynamic hub, empowering the building management to orchestrate and monitor these critical operations.


  • Building management initiates service block through the Basic Operations panel.
  • Complete the form with the necessary details.
  • Synchronized data on the panel allows personnel at the support desk to permit face recognition again.





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